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Umbrella Insurance Policy

You May Be Wondering - What Is An Umbrella Insurance Policy?

Umbrella coverage is a type of liability insurance that provides coverage above and beyond the limits of a standard home and auto policy. This type of policy is relatively inexpensive on an annual basis and often ranges from $100- $300. SF Services can custom tailor an umbrella policy to protect you from large liability claims or lawsuits that exceed the coverage limits of your primary policies.


Consider adding an umbrella policy for an additional layer of protection like:

If someone gets hurt in your home, you and your assets are on the line. The same is true for injuries sustained by another party in a car accident.

In the event of a loss, your assets could be at risk if there isn’t enough insurance.

Unfortunately this is all too common. With an accident where there’s an uninsured driver, you could be liable for covering medical costs for passengers in their vehicle.

Situations and Circumstances that Could Warrant An Umbrella Policy

If you own or participate in the following, you should consider the benefits of an umbrella policy at the risk of losing everything:

  • Homeownership
  • Significant savings
  • Inexperienced driver in the home
  • Hosts events, parties, large get togethers
  • Watercraft, pools
  • Pets liable to cause injury
  • Property being rented to a tenant
  • Coaches a team in the community
  • International travel
  • Public figures
  • Firearms
  • Martial artist weaponry